Friday, March 23, 2007

Kid Highlights. . .

Kid highlights. . .

"Sterling, why are your fingers in your nose?"

(a finger up each nostril) "...because I'm picking my nose""

"Mom, Pudges's face smells like a farm"

(Pudge our pug has a flat face with a nasal recess, well that gets funky smelling and his eyes weep a lot")

Sage kicks Eli in the mouth while they are hanging in hammocks they made under their loft bed, kicks his front tooth loose

Sterling removes the 'i' from my keyboard

Sterling decides he was too well behaved when he was 2 and revisits the busy annoying stage although he's turning 5 next month

Sterling rocks the bike with no training wheels

Sage completes devotional Discovering Jesus in Genesis with Daddy

Eli manages to procure an electric guitar from a neighbor boy, and it's now his appendage: touch it and die

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