Monday, January 26, 2009


GAUGE GAUGE GAUGE.....I knit this hat for Ezra, didn't *know* that cables would pull differently, so I knit my gauge straight up stocking-knit stitch. I learned an important lesson about cables. I snapped this pic of Ezra with his hershey kiss cabled hat to engrave in my mind that I need to work my swatch in the stitch pattern I am working, not just the particular yarn and needles. Makes for a cute picture though, eh?

Things are a little hectic here at the Stainer Casa. I did manage to get some photos organized to post on my blog this evening. I guess when I get busy blogging falls off my plate. I set my mind to posting this fine January evening, even if January is almost gone..........

Our homeschool is in full swing and the holidays were blessed. We were snowed in a lot and took an extra long winter break. We even had almost two weeks with Daddy home for the holidays and due to the inclement weather. I am hoping for more snow so that I can do the mother of all snow angels. I did not seize the day and do this. I will go and plop myself down in the snow, that is if we get more. We had about 2 feet of snow at Christmas time.

So, what have I been knitting during December and January? Let me tell you about it with pictures.......Wasabi's head. I had determined to finish him by Christmas. I did not finish him by Christmas, but he is finished! Wasabi is the monkey I started knitting for my oldest son a couple of years ago.
Crazy cable knitting. Easier than it just have to follow the directions and learn a few maneuvers. I completed a swatch of this cable. I did have to take 10 rows out and start again. I will post of picture of the completed project.
My lovely son Eli and his knitting project. He was so cute knitting this day......

Amigurumi. My new love. My nephew Israel holding his little penguin I crochet for him. Try out some of the amigurumi patterns on
A knit ball, fun times , easy, breezy...........I felted it and put a bell inside. Stuffing it with wool fleece. I gave it to my niece Bella, the beautiful.

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