Monday, April 16, 2007


...My Eli...

He brought me out into a spacious place; He rescued me because he delighted in me.
Psalm 18:19

Happy Monday KSK readers (knit-shan-knit):

Today I am listening to Leeland 'Sound of Melodies' It's a tremendous cd. I recommend it!

What a weird feeling I have today.

We had such a hard week with the boys.

Yesterday we woke up and it was like something had let up or let go.

All our boys are changing so much these days. It just seemed like Kevin and I were having to work so hard to keep above water parenting. This past week especially. I would have to say since the church plant got finalized we have had some unexplainable and difficult times as parents. It's been purifying and although I often say that we may have spiritual attack happening,
I want to give God credit first for all our trials
. (James 1, 1 Peter 1)
I don't want to give more credit to the enemy than he deserves. I praise God for helping us as a couple. Kevin and I are closer than ever after almost 12 years of marriage. We are learning a lot as parents right now and it's humbling. . . Our kids are amazing and alive! Our finances are settling down and we are where we need to be... Planting Crosswater this fall is going to be off the hook.

This past year has had so many trials. God you have been so faithful to turn us upside down and get us to where we want to be. I could write a book on how thoroughly You have cared for every detail of our hearts and lives. You are so amazing God. You DO bring me out to a spacious place. You give me strength to walk a steep path for a time and then you soothe me.

This morning I woke up feeling happier than I had in a long time. I feel clearer. The kids are calm and playing nicely. I can't explain it other than God had us all growing and changing a lot lately. I am thankful for today. I want to be right here. Peaceful.


This weekend is our last time playing with our orange team, our band, at Cascade. I miss Frank, she's on maternity leave. It will be good to play. I am going to try to just rejoice and keep tears back. It's hard to get sad when we are taking our drummer Rick with us. I hope we can write more music with him in the future. Peter is joining us this weekend, he's a radical pianist and friend. It's gonna be a fun weekend.

I don't feel sad that it's our last rotation as a band. I sort of feel good and ready. At first I was a little *sigh*, but now it feels amazing. To make it to the end of this season. I pushed myself hard. I made myself crazy expecting all sorts of things from myself. I expected too much, but learned a lot in the process. I am 200% commited to having as much fun as I can this weekend.

I'm excited to write some music this summer. I am going crazy with poetry. Need music to sing it. Excited to see if my Kevie and I can get some stuff composed.

I'll end with some photos of Sterling Ayden's 5th Bday Party. They aren't edited so well, but they are sweet.

Have a beautiful day.

Thank you God for space to breathe today and for this spacious place. Amen

If you need prayer or would like to know more about Jesus or know Him for yourself. Lemme know:

...shan.... ps 84, ps 145, eph 3, phil 4, titus 2, 1 tim 5:1,2

Daddy and Sterling opening presents
Eli cryin'. . .he's so cute. . .(Sorry Eli....I posted this picture, eek)
Sterling's Birthday Atomic Wedgie. The boys are so generous! Sterling dished it back though.
Ster's mini heart cake. We have a small heart-shaped springform pan for special birthday cakes
Here's the cakes. Mmm, good. Use butter instead of oil and no yolks in a white cake mix for a holy cow yummy cake! And the buttercream recipe on Albertson's powdered sugar was snortalicious.
Eli giving the daisies bunny ears. I laughed.
Birthday time. Happpppy Birthday Sterling Ayden!
Sterling opening his Handy Dandy Notebook! I had to make it, they are hard to find. It was fun!

I pray you all have a fantastic day.

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