Friday, April 27, 2007

A Good Couple Weeks, now..........

A Good Couple Weeks. . .

This morning I sit here and I'm realizing it's gonna be one of those days. The kind of day where I steal away and cry in the bathroom. Take a few moments in my room when the boys are playing quietly to sit and pray. To lean in to this process of transition and goodbye. I woke up this morning after a really detailed dream about people in my life. I said, "I don't want to leave my friends." On Tuesday I was out running errands and it hit me that I am leaving my protection and security. I am venturing out from underneath Mom's wings. Frank's, Nate's, Brandon's even....

I'm getting older now, so I have learned to not rush out of this place. It will only make me ridiculously hard hearted. So I am crying. I am sighing. I am reminiscing. I am totally hating life at times.

I loved playing my electric guitar this year. What a hoot. I am not playing it yet at Crosswater Church. I will be singing and playing accoustic guitar....Kevin wants me to switch to writing music on my electric. It makes sense, because it's a completely different instrument. So we'll see. I just want to knit right now. I will get a second wind creatively I'm sure this summer. I love when Kevin is on board too. And when he's writing music other than electronica on Garage Band. He's amazing with Garage Band.

I just turned in my completed designs to Aaron for the church logo. He loved them. I also made grayscale examples because he said it needed to look good that way too. My good friend Amy A. said that it's a strong design as far as logos go. I was glad to hear that because I have not designed a logo before and really wanted to do an excellent job. Cherie our children's director asked me to come up with some ideas for the logo for her department. I am going to use a computer for this one, because I think she wants a really eye catching. I'm thinking 3-D design that looks like it's coming off the page. I am going to type in the elements to ppt and mess with their font stuff. I also offered to help with the children's department theme. She liked my idea of Pacific NW river wildlife. I am going to be sketching up ideas for her of fish and other creatures and getting paint swatch samples of colors that would be awesome. The cool thing is Spring is here and this is my favorite colored season.......all the bright new can be sure that color will be in my palette. God brought me a professional quality drafting/art table for $5 off of Craigslist........... so now my work area looks really convincing! hahaa....... It's fun and challenging. A little overwhelming, but, that's usually how things are that I undertake. I love punishment! jk. Thank You God for allowing me to do art for the new church. It's an honor and I need you to inspire and help me.

KNITTING!!!! This is Knit-Shan-Knit after all...........
So, right now, I am knitting premie baby booties to sell at Evergreen Hospital's postpartum center. I think I found a great pattern to use in my baby boots design. The foot is all knit in one piece...very little to weave in at the end. I have four afgans that I am going to make. I want to make baby stuff that is not conventionally colored. The colors for the afgans are: black, kelly green, rust and a crazy granny square quilt. I will post pictures after I finish school and house keeping today.......The premie booties I'm making are light dusty aqua. They are amazing. I would like to get a picture of them on a little one after they sell. The booties I make are boots, knee high. I think I might make leg warmers too....those are popular right now. I get excited about knitting baby items because they are quick to knit. There are so many exciting colors out there to create with.
I'll post pictures in a little bit.

Pray for us that are going to Crosswater. Lift up our planting core team and our friends as we leave the nest. Pray that if we're sad that, we can just be sad and not get ulcers in the process!

Have a blessed day.
As I made coffee today this scripture came to mind:

Isaiah 43:18-20

18 "Forget the former things;

do not dwell on the past.

19 See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert
and streams in the wasteland.

20 The wild animals honor me,
the jackals and the owls,
because I provide water in the desert
and streams in the wasteland,
to give drink to my people, my chosen

Much love to you today where ever and who ever you are.
The God of love, loves YOU. . .made you and reaches out to you each day.
Take a look at the spring trees and flowers, imagine they are his hands......reaching out to you....
He is more wonderful than you can imagine, ever.........he waits.........
He is splendid and very good. Generous and ready to help with anything.
What would I do if He had not rescued me.
He healed my wounded life and now I will sing to glorify.

Please email me at: if you need prayer or would like to know more about Jesus.

Monday, April 16, 2007


...My Eli...

He brought me out into a spacious place; He rescued me because he delighted in me.
Psalm 18:19

Happy Monday KSK readers (knit-shan-knit):

Today I am listening to Leeland 'Sound of Melodies' It's a tremendous cd. I recommend it!

What a weird feeling I have today.

We had such a hard week with the boys.

Yesterday we woke up and it was like something had let up or let go.

All our boys are changing so much these days. It just seemed like Kevin and I were having to work so hard to keep above water parenting. This past week especially. I would have to say since the church plant got finalized we have had some unexplainable and difficult times as parents. It's been purifying and although I often say that we may have spiritual attack happening,
I want to give God credit first for all our trials
. (James 1, 1 Peter 1)
I don't want to give more credit to the enemy than he deserves. I praise God for helping us as a couple. Kevin and I are closer than ever after almost 12 years of marriage. We are learning a lot as parents right now and it's humbling. . . Our kids are amazing and alive! Our finances are settling down and we are where we need to be... Planting Crosswater this fall is going to be off the hook.

This past year has had so many trials. God you have been so faithful to turn us upside down and get us to where we want to be. I could write a book on how thoroughly You have cared for every detail of our hearts and lives. You are so amazing God. You DO bring me out to a spacious place. You give me strength to walk a steep path for a time and then you soothe me.

This morning I woke up feeling happier than I had in a long time. I feel clearer. The kids are calm and playing nicely. I can't explain it other than God had us all growing and changing a lot lately. I am thankful for today. I want to be right here. Peaceful.


This weekend is our last time playing with our orange team, our band, at Cascade. I miss Frank, she's on maternity leave. It will be good to play. I am going to try to just rejoice and keep tears back. It's hard to get sad when we are taking our drummer Rick with us. I hope we can write more music with him in the future. Peter is joining us this weekend, he's a radical pianist and friend. It's gonna be a fun weekend.

I don't feel sad that it's our last rotation as a band. I sort of feel good and ready. At first I was a little *sigh*, but now it feels amazing. To make it to the end of this season. I pushed myself hard. I made myself crazy expecting all sorts of things from myself. I expected too much, but learned a lot in the process. I am 200% commited to having as much fun as I can this weekend.

I'm excited to write some music this summer. I am going crazy with poetry. Need music to sing it. Excited to see if my Kevie and I can get some stuff composed.

I'll end with some photos of Sterling Ayden's 5th Bday Party. They aren't edited so well, but they are sweet.

Have a beautiful day.

Thank you God for space to breathe today and for this spacious place. Amen

If you need prayer or would like to know more about Jesus or know Him for yourself. Lemme know:

...shan.... ps 84, ps 145, eph 3, phil 4, titus 2, 1 tim 5:1,2

Daddy and Sterling opening presents
Eli cryin'. . .he's so cute. . .(Sorry Eli....I posted this picture, eek)
Sterling's Birthday Atomic Wedgie. The boys are so generous! Sterling dished it back though.
Ster's mini heart cake. We have a small heart-shaped springform pan for special birthday cakes
Here's the cakes. Mmm, good. Use butter instead of oil and no yolks in a white cake mix for a holy cow yummy cake! And the buttercream recipe on Albertson's powdered sugar was snortalicious.
Eli giving the daisies bunny ears. I laughed.
Birthday time. Happpppy Birthday Sterling Ayden!
Sterling opening his Handy Dandy Notebook! I had to make it, they are hard to find. It was fun!

I pray you all have a fantastic day.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Thoughts, Prayers

ACTS MONTAGE by Shannon Stainer


Water soluable crayon, Water soluable graphite, art marker on pressed paper in 3 sections

Dedicated to and created during the services at Cascade Community Church

Help me Lord to leave my home to church plant "What? Me a church planter?" "lol"

Leave my closest friends

My heart ache came back today

as I prepare

A quiet place, my enormous church home

A safe place

the arms of my friends protected me

I breathed

caught my breath here

you put me back together in this intensive care unit

how do I leave

except to obey, and to say thank you with my life

how will I leave Frank, God?

through a curtain of tears

the arms of love you are bringing to my city

they love me too

if they were not here too, I would not be able to go

I praise YOU because you have HANDPICKED this expression of You

this church plant

this daughter

externally focused

PEOPLE GET READY, crosswater is coming

we will love you to Jesus.


Be loved

Be honored

accept my bravery and service

thank you for holding each and everything I commmit to You

YOU are to be trusted

Thank you for art, music, my family, my church, the Spring, Kevin, and that I can be in today. No where else. I don't have to hold onto my plans. I can be still and content.

Thank you for healing and using me.

You take and make me useful, effective.

Help me strive for excellence and care for my family well in the process.

You've supported me so well over the years.

I am yours.

[[If you need prayer or want to know more about my relationship with Jesus Christ. Please email me:]]

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Springtime Afternoon

Happy Wednesday Friends

Matthew 6:25 (The Message)

Look at the birds

Free and unfettered

Not tied down to a job description

Careless in the care of God

And you count far more to Him than birds

Through Grace I'm taught to see You

With this heart unveiled to know You

God in Your pure light

Open our eyes

See pure light

-Matt Redman

God, I welcome Your presence PSALM 84

But it's YOU who are welcoming

Beautiful Lord Jesus

Open heart and arms

I only have to stop
