Friday, March 13, 2009

Cabled Baby Hat Finished and Sunshine...

The cabled hat torture is over. I worked VERY hard to get this hat just right. Ann from Mason Dixon Knitting dot com compared a sweater that she is working on to backyard wrestling. You should check it out it's hilarious. They are hilarious.

I completed, CONQUERED this cabled hat. Completing it once (ie: hershey kiss baby hat in earlier post here) Started again, ripped it out 6 or more times halfway. I FINALLY completed it with help from a cable hat tutorial here..Link..bless you Bohemian Knitter Chic.

Please enjoy a couple photos of Baby Yaya in his handsome hat.

A picture of a happy Momma with her baby boy, who gets to knit something else for a change! Thank you God!

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sit and Knit:February and other fun...mostly pictures...

Why not start with Baby Ya Ya, he's amazing and brightens up any ol March day!!! My gift to you is his magnificent smile!!!
My birthday gifts were delightful.....I am complete now with both Mason Dixon books! I can't wait to try the mitered square/quilt.
A couple of my new best friends bought me this ball winder. What a neat surprise and so handy. I feel like a professional now that I have this piece of gear!
Gretchen's heart valentine to me. I love her and her knitting.
My birthday card to Gretchen. A crochet hand dyed heart........
A fun red cross cable, easier than I thought, still challenging though......I made a index card cozy out of the swatch for my dear friend Gretchen.
Christmas yarn and my new book...
A french press cozy I knit. I had started a log cabin blanket and lost interest, so, i felted the little bugger and added some velcro straps to the back to help it stay on the french press.
Voila, hot coffee a little longer.
Sit and Knit:February. A find gathering and another proper knitting circle.
Project roll call:
K: impossible but possible because you are doing them booties
G:Royal purple shawl, I honestly cannot remember what you were working on that night....lemme think!?!? wow!!!
L: Pink, brown bag, very cool crochet stuff
L: Grocery bag double strand cotton
M: Felted purse/bag
Me: my alpaca cardigan
M: shawl/scarf thingy, our new knitter!
C: Hat/scarf, used the new ball winder for the first time!
Gretch brought banana cake and Ms. L brought yummy chicken enchilada dip. It was heaven!
Here's our ladies, we were missing some fine folks this time, but we'll catch up with you in March.